No Trading Today - Out Of Respect
I will return tomorrow.
posted by J.C. at
9:42 a.m.
A daily review of my day as a proprietary trader and some of the lessons I have learned along the way.
I scalp NYSE stocks (hold stocks anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes) and do not hold positions overnight.
I've been trading full-time since November 2005 and I am mainly doing this blog to force myself to review my trading - good days and bad. If others can learn from my mistakes, then I will know the time and effort I put into this blog was worth it.
My Interview @ StockTickr
Before becoming a prop trader I was working at a public transportation company as a programmer analyst/systems analyst for three years. Pay was good and job security even better. But I was still young and so I decided to make the switch and to get into trading before I had too many major responsibilities (that way, on my death bed, I won't be thinking "I should've, could've", etc). I try to be a perfectionist and when things don't go my way, I try very hard to look for the reasons why. This blog helps me digest what went on during my trading day and also forces me to see what went wrong on the bad days - afterall, if I didn't do this, how can I improve?
Disclaimer: All material on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell securities or to speculate in the markets. You are responsible for your own trades - do your own due diligence!
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